Spring has sprung! The birds are chirping, flowers are budding, and people are getting out of the house into the bright sunshine. Don’t let the sun become a spotlight to chipped siding, dead plants or a cracked driveway. So many memories, and laughs, have happened in your home. You already have plans to have friends over for a barbeque, soaking up the sun and chatting on the deck. Don’t let a deck that needs to be stained become the topic of the get together.
Spring is the time to put a new life back into the home you love! Big or small a home equity line of credit is great for financing every repair. Before you start tearing things apart you need to figure out a plan on what area you’re going to improve first. This will also help you budget the cost. Here are 7 items that should be examined for repairs on your checklist:
The sun can really damage the shingles. You should get them checked for missing or cracked shingles. Make sure the seals are still good around any skylights, and examine the chimney. Now is also a good time to have the chimney flue cleaned.
Wood Trim
Make sure the wood trim is still good surrounding the windows, doors, and decks. With spring showers near you’ll want to fix the damaged pieces before they start to rot.
You’ll want to check for any loose areas or any parts of the gutter that leak. Also make sure the downspouts drain away from the foundation. You’ll want to make sure they are clear so no water ends up in your basement.
The winter salt and shoveling can do some damage on your concrete. When the weather permits you’ll want to seal any cracks. If the damage is extensive it might be time to consider hiring a professional to redo the concrete on the driveway or sidewalk.
Outside Faucets
Turn on the water and place your thumb over the opening. If the water flow can be stopped it is likely the pipe inside the home has been damaged.
AC Unit
Clean coils will operate and cool your home more efficiently. Now is a good time to clean and replace filters.
Yard Tools
Since you’ll be getting back into the swing of mowing it might be time to upgrade your old mower. Sharp blades will make these next months of yardwork easier.